Meet NICU Graduate Baby Ariel | Boise NICU Baby Photography

Image of baby girl laying on her belly, with head lifted and a slight smile on her face. Set against a white background. Baby has blue eyes and rosy cheeks.

Baby Ariel was born at 33 weeks due to Momma Stephanie experiencing severe pre-eclampsia.

Stephanie had experienced pre-eclampsia with her first child, so she knew she was at risk again with her second. She did not expect baby Ariel to come quite so early though. They had just started moving from Boise into their new house in Mountain home when Stephanie started to experience a terrible migraine. They went to the hospital and she was admitted. She was given the shots to speed up lung development and also magnesium for her preeclampsia She said the magnesium made her very loopy, like she was hallucinating. What a strange feeling! However, nothing seemed to help with the migraine. She was given hydromorphone and that did not even touch the migraine pain. When her doctor came in the next morning, she made the call to do an emergency C-section because she was afraid that Stephanie was at too high of a risk for having a stroke.

The commute from Mountain Home to the NICU in Boise was exhausting. Stephanie also had a 3 year old boy at home who had been excited to move into a new house and be a big brother. Fortunately, the grandparents were able to help out with watching the older child, but poor big brother was not enjoying his new house very much because Mommy and Daddy were hardly ever home. They are now enjoying having Ariel at home and finally getting settled in.

Moving is so much work, I just can’t even imagine going through the trauma of the NICU just days after starting that process. Stephanie, you are such a brave, strong Momma!


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