My Grandmother’s Photo Wall | Boise Family Photographer

My grandmother passed away recently, so naturally I have been reflecting on my childhood memories with her and how she has influenced my values as an adult.


One thing about my grandmother's house stands out in my mind. Well, it wasn't just one house, but rather every house that my grandmother ever lived in. The thing about her home was that she always had one wall dedicated to family portraits. Grandma had 10 children, and each child had their own portrait or family portrait on her wall. At one point, she even started putting family portraits of her grandchildren's families on the wall, as we started growing up, getting married, and having our own children. Not only did Grandma have the family portrait wall, but there were candid snapshots of family members in collage frames all throughout the house.


For many years, my Dad made a solid effort to get our family portrait updated every year so that Grandma could have a new picture to put on her portrait wall. Most of the time, I was crying in the photos, but that's beside the point! Family portraits were important and we knew that every time we went to Grandma's house and saw our picture on her wall. Not only did we have fun looking at the family portraits, but they were very helpful in trying to remember all my aunts and uncles and cousins, some of whom I only saw once or twice a year. Finally, and probably most importantly, seeing my portrait on Grandma's wall was always a reminder that she loved me, that I was important to her, that I was a part of the family, and that I belonged there.


Now, I don't have copies of those family portraits from when I was younger, but Grandma was the keeper and she held them safe for us. There is no doubt in my mind that it will be just as entertaining for my son to look back at those family portraits of me as a child as it was for me to look at the family portrait Grandma kept from when my dad and his 9 siblings were children.   I loved looking at my father as a child, my grandmother as a young mother, and all my aunts and uncles as children as well. So, all this is to say, that family portraits may one day be the most treasured heirloom of one of your children or grandchildren. Get your portraits taken and make sure to print them too!


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