Summer Sun and Stunning Maternity Photos | Boise Maternity Photographer

Who loves summer? I feel like we are all supposed to love summer… You know, the long hot days and ice cream. I think it’s a remnant of childhood and the freedom of being out of school and being able to ride my bike and swim and play all day. I did not care about the heat as a kid. I had pools to jump in and sprinklers to run through. I just had to make sure to put my sunscreen on every hour! Otherwise, I turned into a blistering tomato. So yeah, summer as a kid was glorious. Now, as an adult, I can’t say I love summer in the same way. I think it’s just the heat that I don’t love so much!! I do love the long days, and extra hours for recreating in daylight, but I do not love the summer heat!

Maternity photo of pregnant woman in cream dress with rust colored hat, glowing field of yellow grass behind her.

Anyway, if the heat doesn’t bother you, or you are at least willing to bear it, you can still have a beautiful portrait session on a summer evening! There is something about the summer sun. Oh yes, it’s HOT! But we already mentioned that, didn’t we? It was only 92 degrees at 7:30pm when we met up for this maternity portrait session in the Boise foothills. Of course, most pregnant women will not find that 92 degrees to be very pleasant if they are standing in the direct sun. So, in order to keep this mama happy and comfortable during her maternity photo shoot, we spent a good amount of time in the shade, taking pictures under a little alcove of trees. It was a good reprieve from the heat of the sun. However, shooting in the shade can be a challenge, especially if you want to capture details of the sunlit background. I wonder if you can tell which pictures were taken in the shade and which ones were taken in the direct sun?

Maternity portrait of pregnant woman with brown/red hair in ivory swiss dot dress.
Maternity portrait of pregnant woman standing in a field of grass with green trees behind her.
Maternity photo of pregnant woman in a copper velvet dress with glowing yellow grass and foothills behind her.

Despite the summer heat, the portrait session was a success, especially considering that the 3 year old was having an afternoon of meltdowns just prior to the photo shoot. He must have been happy to be outside, because we had a fun time and got some great pictures, with smiles and all. His favorite activity? Grabbing dirt piles of dirt that had been excavated by the ants and throwing it, of course! At Keepsake Reflections, we want kids to have fun during a portrait session. It’s actually a priority! Because the family portrait experience is not just about posing and getting a stiff smile, it’s about actually enjoying time with your family and making memories that are captured visually. We don’t want to just give you a picture, we want to give you the story behind it as well.

Family portrait with pregnant woman, man, a young boy and an older girl. Family is sitting on a fence with grassy foothills behind them.
Family portrait with pregnant woman, man and two children. The couple is holding hands while children are in front and running.


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