Breastfeeding, Motherhood Justina Thorsen Breastfeeding, Motherhood Justina Thorsen

Why I wanted Breastfeeding Portraits | Boise Breastfeeding Photographer

Why I wanted Breastfeeding Portraits.

As a new breastfeeding mother, I remember looking down at my 8 week old baby as I nursed him, and mourning, thinking “Oh my goodness, he’s going to be a toddler soon!” Not that I was worried about having a toddler, but more that he was changing too fast. I was worried that I wasn’t going to remember his precious newborn baby face. I could already see his face getting older. As breastfeeding mothers, we spend hundreds, if not thousands of hours looking down at our babies as we nurse them. Those moments, that perspective of looking down at my perfect child who was so completely dependent on and connected to me, was what I wanted to visually capture for myself. Of course, I couldn’t do it myself, so I hired the very talented photographer Paige from Glean and Co.

A mother's perspective of a breastfeeding baby

Photo Credit: Glean and Co

While I was breastfeeding my son, I felt more beautiful and important than I had ever felt in my entire life. Of course I was exhausted and run down, but I felt beautiful and magnificent. After having a baby in the NICU, missing out on the “Golden Hour” and facing the possibility that I might not ever have the chance to breastfeed, I celebrated my good fortune to even be on the breastfeeding journey, as difficult as it may be at times.

Photo Credit: Glean and Co

I had asked and begged my husband so many times to take photos of me with my newborn son. But, he never got his camera out. So, I got out my own camera and took self portraits with a remote trigger. But I wanted something more, because I couldn’t easily take breastfeeding self-portraits from the angle that I wanted to capture. So, I found a professional photographer and asked her to take breastfeeding portraits of me and my son, who by the time we had our picture taken was 8 months old. Those photos are so special to me, because they are the only non-phone photos I have of myself that were taken by someone else, during early motherhood. Having another photographer take my portrait allowed me to just be in the moment and enjoy the time with my son, resulting in photos that show authentic emotion and connection between mother and child. These photos are priceless to me.

Image of a breastfeeding baby in his mother's arms

Photo Credit: Glean and Co

While the breastfeeding hours may seem endless, they will pass. In the moment, you may feel like you could never forget what your baby looks like or the other highs and lows of the breastfeeding journey. But time has a canny ability to dull our memories. This is why photography is such a priceless gift, why photos of special people and special times in life are such treasured keepsakes. Photography helps to cement those memories and keep them alive.

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Motherhood, Breastfeeding Justina Thorsen Motherhood, Breastfeeding Justina Thorsen

Motherhood and Breastfeeding Portraits on the Ranch | Boise Motherhood Photographer

Home on the ranch

No, I did not grow up on this ranch. But Colorado is home. And my sister lives on this ranch. So I was home in Colorado staying with my sister on the ranch. I did not have child care for a few weeks and so, knowing that I would have to take time off of work anyway, I decided to go to Colorado and visit family while I was taking time off to care for my son. This ranch in Sedalia has such stunning views, I had to take advantage of it while I was there. Plus, it was close to Mother’s day and I wanted to do something special for my sisters who are both mothers. My stepsister, who is about 4 months older than me, was also pregnant at the same time I was pregnant with my son and we both had the same exact DUE DATE! What are the odds? We also both did not know the gender of our babies until they were born. Her son was born 3 days before mine was.

Photo of a mother and her three young children on a ranch at sunset

Outdoor breastfeeding portraits

I was so excited to take professional motherhood photos of my stepsister and her children, including my nephew who is the same age as my son. When I asked if she would like breastfeeding portraits, I got an enthusiastic YES! She has breastfeed all of her children for at least 3 years. The youngest is only one year old and is the only one still breastfeeding. It was so special to be able to capture some beautiful photographs of the mother-child bond and their breastfeeding journey. These are the tender moments that us mothers want to look back on and hold in our hearts forever. Thanks to photography, we can!

Photo of a breastfeeding mother sitting and nursing her baby  in a field

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Motherhood Justina Thorsen Motherhood Justina Thorsen

Motherhood Portraits For My Sister | Boise Motherhood Photographer

My sister is one of the best Moms that I know

My sister is only a couple years older than me, but she has been a mother for nearly a decade longer than me. She has always been an inspiration for me when I think about being a mom. She is such an amazing mom, I actually used to joke with her about whether she would raise my kids for me if I ever had them. Kidding aside, if I was not able to raise my child myself, she is the first person I would want to do it for me. So, for her birthday and for a million other reasons, I wanted to gift her this special “Motherhood” portrait session.

Photo of mother and two young daughters in a field at sunset.

Photo of mother and two daughters sitting in a field at sunset

I styled my sister and her daughters for this photo session!

While I love my sister to pieces, the last time I offered to take some family portraits for her, their outfits were anything but coordinating! Blue, red, and yellow could work well together. However, each person’s outfit had a strong pattern and that’s where things got a little too busy. So, this time, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I was walking around Ross one day and I found the dress my sister is wearing in the photo above. I though it would look pretty in a photo shoot. So, I kept browsing around and I was lucky enough to find the two dresses that my nieces are wearing as well - both the only dresses of that style and in the right size. BINGO! Guess how much I spent on outfits for all 3 girls? That’s right, less than $50 total!

Photo of mother and two daughters outdoors

This is a wardrobe that had no styling guidance - notice the clashing patterns.

Worried about what to wear for your own family or motherhood portrait session?

Don’t worry! As part of my service when you book with me, I offer styling guidance for coordinating your family’s wardrobe. I am here to help you create and achieve the portraits of your dreams!

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