Motherhood and Breastfeeding Portraits on the Ranch | Boise Motherhood Photographer
Home on the ranch
No, I did not grow up on this ranch. But Colorado is home. And my sister lives on this ranch. So I was home in Colorado staying with my sister on the ranch. I did not have child care for a few weeks and so, knowing that I would have to take time off of work anyway, I decided to go to Colorado and visit family while I was taking time off to care for my son. This ranch in Sedalia has such stunning views, I had to take advantage of it while I was there. Plus, it was close to Mother’s day and I wanted to do something special for my sisters who are both mothers. My stepsister, who is about 4 months older than me, was also pregnant at the same time I was pregnant with my son and we both had the same exact DUE DATE! What are the odds? We also both did not know the gender of our babies until they were born. Her son was born 3 days before mine was.
Outdoor breastfeeding portraits
I was so excited to take professional motherhood photos of my stepsister and her children, including my nephew who is the same age as my son. When I asked if she would like breastfeeding portraits, I got an enthusiastic YES! She has breastfeed all of her children for at least 3 years. The youngest is only one year old and is the only one still breastfeeding. It was so special to be able to capture some beautiful photographs of the mother-child bond and their breastfeeding journey. These are the tender moments that us mothers want to look back on and hold in our hearts forever. Thanks to photography, we can!
Motherhood Photography in the Boise Foothills | Boise Motherhood Photographer
Breastfeeding and Motherhood Portraits
I had such a wonderful time meeting this gorgeous mother in the Boise Foothills for an outdoor breastfeeding and motherhood photo shoot! Mama was so brave and baby girl was a trooper staying up way past her normal bedtime of 5:30pm so that we could take photos during the golden hour. But more importantly, what 6 month old baby goes to bed at 5:30pm? What I would have given for my son to go to bed at 5:30 when he was that age (or even now)!!! I remember those days… I would spend hours every night trying to get him down. I always hoped he would go down by 7:30-8pm, but he usually wasn’t sleeping until 11pm. I count this mama as lucky in the “sleeping baby” department!
Photo of mother holding baby in a field of grass and flowers at sunset.
More about Outdoor Motherhood Photo Sessions
Outdoor motherhood photography sessions are so much fun! The boise foothills make such a beautiful backdrop for photo shoots. I love the light at Golden Hour and prefer to always photograph during the 2 hours before sunset in order to get the best light. Outdoor photo sessions can be held at a location that is special to you, or I am happy to recommend a location as well.
Photo of a mother breastfeeding her baby in the Boise Foothills